Department of Drug Regulatory Affairs
A unique characteristic of the pharmaceutical institute at the University of Bonn is a Department of Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA). The legal framework of marketing authorization, the life cycle of drugs and also the framework for medical devices are all topics closely related to drug research. This expands the research of the Pharmaceutical Institute in an interdisciplinary field.
Increasingly complex regulatory frameworks, the link between innovation and scientific progress, digital documentation, and the globalization of drug and medical device legislations are increasingly subject to pronounced dynamics. Contributing within these dynamics requires a profound and interdisciplinary understanding.
Since 2019, the Drug Regulatory Affairs department is headed by Prof. Dr. Werner Knöss.

Current research areas and projects of the working group

Seminars and Workshops
Information on Drug Regulatory Affairs courses for Master of Drug Research and BIGS DrugS

Overview and contact details of all members of the DRA workung group

Publications and Theses
Overview of publications and theses of members of the working group

Master's Program in Drug Regulatory Affairs
Master's degree in Drug Regulatory Affairs in cooperation with the German Society for Drug Regulatory Affairs

We also offer a course on Drug Regulatory Affairs within the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Prof. Dr. Werner Knöss
An der Immenburg 4
53121 Bonn
Clara Wollenhaupt
An der Immenburg 4
53121 Bonn